'Call It Anything But Love' is Late
How long does it take to write a short story? There's no single answer to that. But I've had the delight of discovering that for the collection I'm working on the time frame runs like this:
- two days of thinking - showering and packing the dishwasher are typically great events during which story details emerge - and then noting thoughts in messy mindmaps.
- two days of writing, in four-hour stints.
- one day of editing and ta-da! I have a first draft!
- listen to readers' feedback and edit again (and edit again ... repeat till satisfied).
That's a seven (or nine) day time frame.
I expect there will be at least seven - and at most nine - short stories in Call It Anything But Love. So, how's it going? Very well indeed. Why the delay then?
Commitments. Other commitments besides writing. As such, it's taking four times as long as it otherwise might. The good news is that for 2024 I'm resolving not to overcommit. One measure of successfully not overcommitting, will be always having enough time for writing.
Why did I say it's going very well if I expected to deliver Call It Anything But Love by the end of this year and I haven't? Well, because I'm absolutely enjoying the process and loving the emerging stories. I can't wait to share them with all of you in the Readers' Circle.
Oh, you're not in the Readers' Circle? That's easily fixed. I've got a sign-up box somewhere on this page. You can't miss it.
(This image was rather lazily abstracted from the Pexel website. There is no photo-credit and I don't know if it is an AI-generated image. It is NOT the cover image for the short story collection. Just thought I should make that clear).
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